CSS裸奔日的创始人Dustin Diaz在他的博客中说他已经正式加入Google工作了:
Today I’m thrilled to let everyone know that I’m no longer unemployed and landed at an all-time favorite company of mine, Google. I went through my phone screens, gave my presentation, went through a day of interviews, and voila. Here I stand with a smile on my face knowing I’ll be joining the most spectacular upstart in business history.Dustin Diaz此前是yahoo的一名员工,看来Google现在的影响力如日中天,很多人都跳槽转投Google了。他在博客中说:“ Google是一个鼓励创意的地方,你会立即处于聪明人之中,并且和他们一起来促进那些创意的实现。”
via Googlified